
Leisure activities nowadays / Pablo Mosquera

I am going to try to explain what different types of leisure activities teenagers (like me) have nowadays. In my opinion, we have four kinds to fancy in our free time. Each has its pros and its cons; however, I find two of them much healthier than the other two:

● First of all we have the teens who spend their whole time in front of the computer screen, playing playstation, or watching TV program after program until dinner. This is such an unhealthy life that it could even develop into an overweight disease. Nevertheless, people will have a very specific talent at something.

● There are a few (in percentage) who have musical talent, and feel like playing an instrument everyday. I find it boring, but I cannot deny they can take advantage of that.

● Another group of people (where I must be included), prefer to practice a sport seriously. If you take it seriously, it will be difficult to hang out usually with friends and to pass examinations at an ordinary school.
I, for instance, despite having good marks, would get even better ones if I had not chosen this way to spend my free time.
This is the healthiest type of leisure life, although it is difficult, both physically and mentally, to keep on doing it for a long time.

● Finally, still remains the last group. Most of the teens just have fun, going to the malls and taking part of the so called “Big Bottle” during the crazy nights. That is the best way to enjoy their free time, but there is a high risk of taking drugs and drinking much alcohol.

To sum up, we have proven there are several types of leisure activities, and it is also proven that people can have benefits out of them, or put themselves into risky situations because of them. I think we should not change, and everybody can choose the best option for him/her.


1 comment:

gigougnon said...

amazing this guy...that summary was outstanding. that means u dont need a huge extension tu sum what he´s done.
the best I´ve read from the Spanish school